Camera could not get right colors, recreated it as far as I could, it is definitely blue - blueish.
Slovenia, 02.10.2016.
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Camera could not get right colors, recreated it as far as I could, it is definitely blue - blueish.
Slovenia, 02.10.2016.
mir selbst ist dieser Pilz noch nicht begegnet, aber wenn das Portrait auf 123pilze stimmt und man einige Details wie Lamellen bzw. -ansätze vergleicht, würde ich zumindest sagen: Passt nicht!
Schau selbst:
LG Thomas
Hello, Bubikol!
This doesn't look like an Entoloma to me - did you get a sporeprint? I suppose, that might have been very pale violet or creme. The Basidiocarp looks odd, I#m not sure what it is, but perhaps Lepista would be an option.
und ja, ich fürchte auch, da stimmt was nicht mit den Bildern bei 123.
Die ersten drei sind vermutlich gar keine Röhrlinge Rötlinge, das dürften eher Täublinge oder vielleicht Ritterlinge sein. Das letzte Bild gehört schon in die Ecke, aber ziegt wohl eher Entoloma nitidum. Entoloma bloxamii sieht nitidum durchaus ähnlich, ist aber ein Bewohner von Magerwiesen. Plausible bzw. sehr sichere Abbildungen von Entoloma bloxamii wären zB >diese hier< oder >diese<.
LG, Pablo.
No spore print."very pale violet or creme" - no, definitely blue, Camera picked up gray (one of those rare colors that camera does not like), so i had some troubles to convert it to what I approximately seen.
I would say first image color from your link is a match (mine a bit more pale)
Color nothing like this. Blue.
opt.: Clitocybe odora
Moin, Bubikol!
Sorry, with "very pale violet or cream" I meant the colour of the sporeprint, not the Fungus on Your picture.
Clitocybe odora might be an option, but that spesies is more green or greyish green, I've never seen Clitocybe odora with distinct bluish tinges.
That's why I was thinking about Lepista - there are several Species with more or less bluish or violaceous colors, such as Lepista nuda, Lepista glaucocana or Lepista sordida.
Normally the Lamellae in those spesies are differently attached to the stem, more adnate and not broadly or even shortly decurrent like here.
But with all those Entoloma species with bluish colours and massive Basidiocarps it would be the same: Lamellae not broadly attached or decurrent.
PS.: I wrote that above in german, so: Entoloma bloxamii is a species of open grasslands (with low nitrate). The aequivalent in Forests (especially Spruce) would be Entoloma nitidum, bit this still doesn't look like an Entoloma at all. Not only because of the colour.
LG, Pablo.
Changed to Clitocybe odora, based on such images (shape similar to my specimen):
Clitocybe odora | Grüner Anis-Trichterling * Aniseed Toadsto… | Hans-Peter Hein | Flickr
They are blue to my eyes, and also all these looks to me grey straight to blue. I might also say the colors are correct as I took photos myself.
Hi BubikolRamios,
Does your latest posting imply that you think the mushroom on your picture could be Clitocybe Odora, even though you think that the colours as they appear in your first Picture are correct?
In that case I must say that I consider this really far-fetched. I have come across Clitocybe Odora really often (they usually make their presence known from quite a distance, by their anise smell - I suppose you did not notice any when you took the picture), and none of them ever looked purple…
"and none of them ever looked purple" -Yes.
Smell is not my strong side, the only specimen I can detect from far, not seeing it is Phallus impudicus
the only specimen I can detect from far, not seeing it is Phallus impudicus