Not Tricholoma ustale ?

Es gibt 8 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 4.812 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (31. Oktober 2018 um 16:23) ist von Gwürzbuizl.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Good Morning!

    Right, this doesn't look like Tricholoma ustale. I would suppose that this belongs either to the clade of species around Tricholoma albobrunneum or to Tricholoma populinum.

    Important features for distinguishing these brown colored Tricholomas are of course the possible mycorrhizal partners. The Trees can be quite far away, in Grasslands the Basidioacarps might appear in a distance of 20 Meters or more from the Stem. In this case there might bei either pines or poplars anywhere.
    Also important: The smell and taste of the Basidiocarps. Most of the species have a distinct, farinaceous smell at least when cut. And some species have a very bitter taste (take a small piece of the Hat in the mouth, chew it an spit out after ~1min), others taste only slightly bitter and some species are totally mild.


    Something like a "hello" an "good bye" would be nice to start with, also a little bit of text.

    You could also upload the pictures directly on this platform, by choosing "Dateianhänge" below the Textfield, then click on "Hochladen" and choose the pictures from Your PC.

    Language doesn't matter that much, English is international of course, but someone might also be able to translate some Slovenian, or - if not - we may have some fun with the Google - Translator. :wink:

    LG; Pablo.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Yeah, that ist quite extreme in this collection.
    But might be due to the grassland. In the last two Years I was looking regularly for those brown Tricholomas, and it ist still difficult to distinguish them, also because there are different interpretations of the names "Tricholoma stans" and "Tricholoma albobrunneum" by northeuropean an southeuropean Authors.

    Some Friends an I collected lots of collections (and still working on it). If You are intrested, You might like to take a look >here<, where we showed most of the collections.

    Still, Your find looks interesting. But smell and taste seem to be really important characters, because microscopically, they all look more or less the same. So well documented collections (fresh material) are necessary to classify these mushrooms.

    LG; Pablo.

  • Hallo,

    sollte man den Spruch "Andere Länder, andere Sitten" als Erklärung heranziehen oder ist das Englisch einfach zu schlecht?

    Andererseits war ich immer der Meinung, wenigstens HALLO wäre international...;)

    LG Thomas

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo, Thomas!

    Ich glaube, die Sprache ist weniger das Problem, sondern viel mehr so eine allgemein um sich greifende Einstellung, im Netz auf Nettiquette einfach zu verzichten, weil ja eh morgen vergessen ist, was heute geschrieben wurde.

    Nicht mein Ding, ich nehme mir gerne die Zeit für ein Hallo, und ich schreibe auch gerne hier, wo das Geschriebene halt auch irgendwie nachhaltiger ist und das Geschwätz von gestern auch morgen noch wass wert ist. Aber ich bin mittlerweile so weit, nicht mehr doppelt nachzuhaken, wenn's jemand anderes halt anders handhabt.

    Auch wenn ich es lieber sehe, wie bei dir und dem Stamm der Mitglieder in unserer Runde.

    LG; Pablo.

  • The thing with hello is, to my knowledge, german thing. On one other german forum I putted into automatic signature 'Regards', and now they are all happy (-: But really, there is no point to it as it is automatic.

    At some english computer technical forum they even put warning, before you submit answer/question if you use words "thank you and such" as these are considered as dead load at info. exchange.

    Neither slovenian , neither english forums does not make such a problem from hello thing.

    So, I loaded a lot of forum unrelated stuff, but can't beat my habit, I do always say ..... for valuable info.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello, Fungifriends!

    Since there was a totally new topic developing besides the question about the Tricholoma, I devided the discussion, so that each topic may be discussed for itself.
    To participate in the discussion about politness, languages etc. in this forum >please go on here<.

    Hallo, Pilzfreunde!

    Da sich hier ein neues, eigenes Thema neben der Diskussion zum Ritterling entwickelt hat, habe ich das mal geteilt, so daß jeder Inhalt für sich in einem eigenen Thema diskutiert erden kann.
    Für die Diskussion zu Höflichkeit, Sprachen usw. in diesem Forum >bitte hier lang<.

    LG, Pablo.